My secret that I carry


My secret that I carry

Have you eve had
A secret that you carry
That no body knows
Not one single person even knows
Oe that you've been carrying around
For the whole life you've exsisted
Well, that I do
But no one is there to listen
I just want
To say this right now
If you want to
Just come and talk to me
My secret
Is one that will be
So devestating
That no one is to see coming
I have been hiding it for way too long
It has been causing me
So much trouble from the start
Oh, won't somebody
Lend me a hand
And say this to me
"That everything will be okay
Don't you worry one bit
Just tell me
And you'll be okay"

And like I have said again
Won't somebody
Just one little old somebody
Come and help me
I know that there others
That are like me
But them I don't know
I've seen them on tv
But how will I to talk to them

So why is it
There is not one here
To help me
With this thing that I call a problem
So why don't you talk
I will listen
And I will talk
As long as you help me out

Please and thank you

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Necy commented on My secret that I carry


No need and no reason to worry About Soggy. I have so many friends like you and they live comfortably and happily without being bothered . Its just your inhibition of natural impulses that may cause Psychological problems if you continue . Just please act naturally Soggy and everything will come out well.

blackfootlady commented on My secret that I carry


I'm sorry I don't Keep secretes well anymore.Have You ever heard this One.Your secretes held inside are like skeleton bones in your closet.Soon .They are but One.God Bless-Black P.s. Nice write but I'm not that curious Yet.If You feel You need to share I will listen with no guarentees My friend.

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

SoggyCheerios’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
My secret that I carry 2
My Graduation Speech 2
Entitled 4
Hate inside of a dangerous world 6
Ripples in a new found Dynasty 3
Normal inside a crazed world 3
In the night 3
Behind the Velvet sky 3
Beyond the Twilight Dreams 3
Book of a cover 2
an ode to my friends 2
Literary Analysis over "Hello Seattle" 2
the flowering fire 4
the key 2
Life in Light and Dark 1
Glancing 1
Death of fear 2
Yesterdays events, today's sorrow, tomorrow's happiness 2