In the night


  • Life

    In the night

    I can never imagine
    Whose life that can be worse
    People always tell me
    That there is always someone else
    Who's life that is worse
    I can never imagine who
    Or even how that there life is worse
    I want to belive that my life can be better
    But how
    How can it go from "Crap"
    To super amazing
    So I tell to all who read this
    Always keep an open mind
    For those of us less fortunate
    For those of us who can only dream
    For those of us who can not buy
    Luxary items, food everyday,
    Or even the occasional item
    That you use to impress your loved ones
    So, be it as it may
    Always Dream

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    BringMeBullets commented on In the night


    This is real. The power is amazing, and the words are bold like a bright blue sky. Amazing write. Thank you for sharing.

    redbloodink commented on In the night


    I dream................ I liked this.... nice write with a great meaning.... red

    Marsink commented on In the night


    It has been said that every [rain] cloud has a silver lining. Many times our circumstances seem to dictate the direction of our lives, but in our mind and heart, we must dream to be living on the edge of an awakenening that will change our life from the inside out. Dream on and write on!

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    SoggyCheerios’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My secret that I carry 2
    My Graduation Speech 2
    Entitled 4
    Hate inside of a dangerous world 6
    Ripples in a new found Dynasty 3
    Normal inside a crazed world 3
    In the night 3
    Behind the Velvet sky 3
    Beyond the Twilight Dreams 3
    Book of a cover 2
    an ode to my friends 2
    Literary Analysis over "Hello Seattle" 2
    the flowering fire 4
    the key 2
    Life in Light and Dark 1
    Glancing 1
    Death of fear 2
    Yesterdays events, today's sorrow, tomorrow's happiness 2