My Mother The Warrior


My Mother The Warrior

Shes stuck in a game with endless shame, endless pain and nothing to gain. Forced by a mistake but i know its not too late shes still here thanks to fate
Our lord gave her another chance and it will be a mistake if she dont make it she has to take it not fake it shes going to make it.
Step by step change is firm but when its your turn to change, your friends act strange
But she has hope she just has to cope with it and say fuck the past i want to last!
To stop worrying about yesterday and think about today and tomorrow our crazy mentality equals a fucked up reality so shes got to stop this insanity.
The word friend is misused and abused
How life is a story full of different pages then she takes a look around and sees changing faces
She see's my brothers struggling to keep a smile on their faces
All because of a split second mistake that she made
She sheds tears knowing that were sharing in her mistake having to fight this aint the life
Shes going to be the soilder who makes it, the one who learns to take it, the woman who lasted, better yet the last women standing because only strong survive
Live for the future and forget the past pray for tomorrow and make today last
Live for the future let your life go on and pray for tomorrow cause yesterdays gone

i love you mom

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Qualin commented on My Mother The Warrior


a profetress said when returning from within the spirit,there was an image of God's finger the moved...just a twitch....and the angles flew backwards from his much greater is the ferverant prayer?I feel one you have sent his patient his time is not ours...your friend Qualin



how ive missed you my dear friend :) welcome back

optimistic commented on My Mother The Warrior


The child to stick in their until the end is a child of good will and spirit you will show the world what you are made of two soon.



thank you i hope your right

sevyn7 commented on My Mother The Warrior


Wow, this is a touching poem, your mother's strength is in your soul, and together you two fight, conquer, and stand tall. I love this poem, such a magical bond you two have. God Bless, Dave



thank you so much :)

Teardrops commented on My Mother The Warrior


You are the warrior my friend you are fighting for her and she will win with you beside her . Your love for your mom shows in the poem .If you are at her side she will win . Great write truly great Marie

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

killingP13’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Loving You 4
Angelchaser 3
A Quiet Plea 3
My Thief 4
Singing Angels 3
The Last Days 2
Wings Of Freedom 2
My Mother The Warrior 4
To Whom It May Concern 2
Dieing Snow 3
Tear Drops 5
Your love 2
Music Box 3
Why me 5
Heartless 6