My Death


  • The1Nonly
  • is trying to find away through the day an alife for the night dear lord youve done took so many of my people im just wondering why you havent taken mylife

My Death

Searching for everything this life is meant to offer, yet finding nothing more then emptiness which seems to always accompany loneliness. Why so many makes themselves follow false prophets and gods for a sense of security from all the fears they hold inside, I have yet come to understand. As the days begin they always seem to end to soon, we hold each moment dear to us, for hopes of having things to linger on as life flashes before us, to show us how insignificant our time on this earth really is, yet even though we all understand this  we fear the end of all things. As I have lived I have seen people learn to yearn for more time, yet not all are this weak, some wish for it all to end already. It seems as my days go by I can’t help but wonder when and why.

When will my time come?
I’ve sat waiting here for so long.

Why wasn’t I given a choice?
I never asked to live this life.

When do I finally get a chance?
A chance to finally end what I never wanted to begin.

Why of all people lost?
I am the one left here.

When will I able to see them again?
All those who left me.

Why them and not me?
They had so much more.

When will everyone understand?
I’ve never been what they presume.

When will I have my chance?
To eternally rest in peace for once.

Why do the pieces never fit?
It all doesn’t make sense.

When will he finally lead me?
Lead me to the place I truly belong,
To my final resting place.

All around me people seem to see things that are beyond me, they seem to believe I hold so much more that I have yet to see within myself. How will I show all I only yearn for my own
Death To Set Me Free.
                                     Written By
                                                       Keith Stewart

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AmadeusEx commented on My Death


this seems to have alot of deeper meanings but it gets muddled at times...would have liked a tighter this meant to be religious in nature, and i disagree with death being the only thing that can set you free, to me, death is not something to be desired

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

The1Nonly’s Poems (9)

Title Comments
Title Comments
My Death 1
Shall Always Be Another Way 0
The End of the Begining 1
The Reasons You May Never Know About 1
My Angel 0
Her Presence 0
My Hero 1
My Death 0