My Angel


  • The1Nonly
  • is trying to find away through the day an alife for the night dear lord youve done took so many of my people im just wondering why you havent taken mylife

My Angel

“My Angel”


As the thoughts of what may come today trickle through my mind as I awake, it seems a smile arises upon my face as to shine from the depths. I gaze into the near distance, as the thought of you comes to my mind, I begin to see a resonating light from above, as to give me a sign I have searched for, Its like you are always watching over me to lead me from the depths of hell were I have dwelled since you left me so very long ago. Chills suddenly shock my spine as I close my eyes to see you so very near to me, with your hand on my shoulder, as to set peace into my mind, with you allowing me to see that you have never truly left me. Searching all this time to find what I felt I lost so long ago, yet now understanding you have always been beside me as I have gone through this crazy life of mine. As I gaze into your eyes while tears trickle down my cheeks, I begin to ask for forgiveness, yet you silence me saying I have never left you nor shall I, I have seen these things you have done, yet always known that this is not who you truly are. As my eyes ease open again, I beg for more time, just a few more moments, yet a sudden chill comes to me once again, I finally have come to see you shall always be with me just not in the physical form. Clarity strikes me to let me know that you have become
My Angel.

            Written By               

        Keith Stewart

Dedicated to my grandmother


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A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

The1Nonly’s Poems (9)

Title Comments
Title Comments
My Death 1
Shall Always Be Another Way 0
The End of the Begining 1
The Reasons You May Never Know About 1
My Angel 0
Her Presence 0
My Hero 1
My Death 0