middle spring section excerpt


  • Folk

    middle spring section excerpt

    They smelled of hickory campfires
    Thick with eggs and a bacon slab
    As these gray hairs
    Came from the forest
    To quench their thirst.

    Wilderness was in their blood
    Mountains in their bone.

    Some wore white sox
    Some dark
    And one wore no sox, ever.

    Some wore dark slacks
    Some light
    And one wore shorts, always.

    With eyes that looked
    Into the more that was there
    They had come from the deep
    That moves the light through the shadows.

    They held a full round of secrets in their teeth
    Following the rhythm of the terrain
    With the feel of fingers that knew life’s pulse.

    They had lived and in their season they live forever
    With no darkness in their souls because that is
    Where living water dwells.

    When the sky cast itself gray
    With the sun hidden in the belly of some clouds
    The laughter from these men of silver whiskers
    Grew clearer, grew more robust
    But tastefully in accord with good spirits
    As a promise revealed by their girth
    Pronounced a glowing wonder into the air.

    There could be
    Only the electricity that made men, men between them
    That traversed all horizons of time, of space
    As their words coincided
    With the geometry of good judgment
    Even though they sparkled with brew.

    As dusk spoke of pending darkness
    They knighted the twilight
    With the glow of their substance
    And the blue heron
    Found a home for the everlasting.

    They were a crew of eagles
    Perched on stools
    Around a long, long table.

    Their sound weighed heavy with wisdom.

    Because of the way their jaws set
    The bite of their ground teeth
    Ground by years that chewed
    On the hardships and pains that life serves
    They would, from time to time
    Look into the river and gather a wince
    But mostly they shared
    The good cheer that hope brought
    That came with being right
    With what matters most
    Which granted these men
    A full measure of a good life
    And more. 

    They were the knights

    Of the long, long table

    With sabers for tongues

    With hearts of uncommon power

    And their prowess governed with certain authority.


    They are the good soil

    That brings forth abundance.


    They are the sunrise

    That follows every setting sun.



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    UnworthyFather commented on middle spring section excerpt


    Great write!!!The imagery was excellent, and the flow was excellent as well!! Thank you for sharing.



    thanks, have not been dutiful at this site, but that must change. got a book published. www.chapbookwriter.com

    dahlusion commented on middle spring section excerpt


    Good writing with a lot of the magic and mysteries of the soul coming forth as creation: the creation of poetry, imagination, and beautiful imagery. I would like to see a few stanza breaks to give the reader a moment to inhale then exhale into the beauty of this wisdom.



    thanks, you have been kind.

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    1dean’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Interior Other 1
    The Calling 4
    TEST 3
    middle spring section excerpt 2