

  • Lust


    Lust is used for personal gain and to do so
    you have to be insane. Like you are the only person
    in this world that matters, of course the lust
    for money will make your pockets fatter,
    but it only makes your heart and soul empty.
    You can gain things without putting your nose in the air
    but by lust you really don't care and
    you call that fair.
    With lust how can you call yourself a man or woman
    can you dare, you were born by yourself
    and you will die alone and
    then another person will live in your home,
    you'll be left with all you personal gain gone.

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    MOMofTWINS commented on lust


    Very heartfelt and genuine. If everyone in the world could read this poem and realize that if they changed the selfish ways they do things we would all be much better off. Great job of standing up on speaking your opinion, just remember your not standing alone.



    thank u sweetheart

    Bev750 commented on lust


    You are so right, this is called selfishness, there are so many people man or woman are only out for their on gain, when you used someone for your own pleasure and not giving anything in return is called I don't care, I am looking out for number one(self) if all greed was lay aside this would be a better world, I enjoyed your poem.



    thank u sweetheart i was sittin here thinkin to myself tryin not ot feel discouraged about writing on bcuz i was thinkin that this place is unfair and bias to a curtain race, until u commented on my 1 of my poems, hopefully its not bias but slow to see everyones spoken words but still i will keep my eyes open!!

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    unsprung’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    love pt.II 0
    listening or hearing which 1 1
    lust 2
    love 1
    judge 0
    true love 0
    patience 0
    A broken system 3