love pt.II


  • Love

    love pt.II

    why do some people equate love with hate
    no no wait love dosen't hurt and it sure won't
    hit you and when you're in publicit will never diss you
    you will know when its around you
    bcause its just like you
    it will hold you and caress you
    and it will always think the best of you
    it definitely won't mess over you
    it knows when you are hurting and
    it knows when you are in pain
    it won't talk loud, it won't let you hang
    or feel ashame and it will back you up
    when you need it the most
    it won't brag or boast
    and it will always hold you close
    but first you have to know
    did i mention, pay attention

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    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    unsprung’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    love pt.II 0
    listening or hearing which 1 1
    lust 2
    love 1
    judge 0
    true love 0
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