Love's Tender Violence


  • Love

    Love's Tender Violence

    We lost all sense
    of love's tender violence
    as we raided each others dreams,
    invaded convenient bodies whole,
    and stole their ghosted voices;
    renewed actors in an unrehearsed play
    pulsating images of fluent whimsy
    across a foreign planet's stage,
    we lit an impassioned sky
    of love's tender silence
    where its invisible ink
    will never

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    WriterGenevieve commented on Love's Tender Violence


    Perfectly written Paul ... I miss your poems. Your writing is amazing - and you are as well. :)

    wamomo commented on Love's Tender Violence


    Very profound little gem you've penned here.The distance you travel in imagery in such short lines is simply wonderful! Bravo!

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    PaulMatsumoto’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Kiss Deeply the Remarkable Sky 3
    The Moments Between 2
    Love's Tender Violence 3
    To Love Differently 1
    Familiar Love 3
    I See You In Colors 1