Kiss Deeply the Remarkable Sky


  • Love

    Kiss Deeply the Remarkable Sky

    Let me walk with you to the edge
    of our despair
    and leave our garments
    of ordained prose
    and expectation
    We have explored the unbroken
    terrain with the tongues
    of linguists
    lingering over a life
    less ordinary
    Kiss deeply the remarkable sky
    It sings our mystery
    and our embrace
    of haunted splendor
    that hungers for every
    moment of new infinity

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    wamomo commented on Kiss Deeply the Remarkable Sky


    Ooooh...a poet that loves to dance with words, flirting with edgy and profound linguistic metaphors..."and leave our garments of ordained prose and expectation"...there is brilliance in that line...I like!!!

    stefy commented on Kiss Deeply the Remarkable Sky


    very poetic and powerful......I`m impressed.........................

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    PaulMatsumoto’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Kiss Deeply the Remarkable Sky 3
    The Moments Between 2
    Love's Tender Violence 3
    To Love Differently 1
    Familiar Love 3
    I See You In Colors 1