

  • Love


      Love can be a wonderful thing
    It can make you wanna sing.
    It makes you feel strong,
     You haven’t felt this in so long.
     You can feel it He or she is a great fit.
    There is no doubt
     You know what they are all about.
    You cannot explain how you feel
    But you know they are the real deal.
    Love can be good or bad,
    Depending on what times you have had.
    You feel they are the greatest thing your life,
    Even though there may be some strife.
    You don’t ever have to worry about them
    This is because you have so much chem.
    You know that they are your true friend.
    And they will be there until the end.
    This is love
    It comes from the heavens above.

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    SuperChick76 commented on Love


    Very true. A very beautiful poem. Though, like bfor said, sometimes it feels a little forced. You gotta relax a little, if you can't find a proper rhyme, than just think up a new one, it'll come to you. Allow you imagination to flow. But some of these lines show great potential. " Love can be a wonderful thing It can make you wanna sing. It makes you feel strong, You haven’t felt this in so long." I think was nicely written, and I like you last two lines. So, like I saidl; it's a beautiful poem, just a little forced at times, is all. Which is something that happens to all poets. Good job. I loved it :)

    LBoogie commented on Love


    I like this rymangott, it definitely defines what love is and how it make you feel

    nonners commented on Love


    aww very sweet, good rhyming, i want to read you more feeling and depth but i did like this it was sweet

    Bethane1978 commented on Love


    I liked this poem. Its a prety accurate description of what is. Excellent job.

    SweetBlood commented on Love


    Awz so pretty.....and sweet. I love it.Keep writing

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    Rymangott’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Love 7
    Admiration 5
    My first Kiss 5