  • Love



    Love, such a small word to express such a big feeling, so many times used without thinking, in love with love yet we fail to understand it’s true meaning

    Something we all need, but only a few of us want or know how to live with, something so unique and great yet can create so much pain and hate.

    So many emotions come, so many songs sung, so many tears cried, so many people lied, because of this 4 letter word they felt inside,

    Or maybe used that word in vain to get what they wanted that only lasted for a second, but hurt someone for a lifetime, People say I love you, to get something they desire or say I love a certain thing that they admire.

    But what is love? What does it truly mean? To be honest I don’t think we were designed to love loves full capacity.

    I mean that love that real love so deep to describe although we say it all the time we don’t understand…

      We sort thru our pain hiding our shame finding the best way to cope thru food and people that really don’t love us back cause we don’t have that love that real love that everyone searches for but never finds because as humans our minds are to confined to love that … real love.

    As for me, I had that real love once, really in never went away, I ran away from it cause I didn’t want to do what it required of me and sometimes I hear it say come back to me, but how do I, my life ain’t the best but I love it so, not wanting the deliverance to let it go. You see me everyday and know my ways and know I have no intensions on change, so am I just suppose to keep asking for forgiveness everyday? Then you say, come as I am. See that’s that love that real love, that I will die for your sins even though I know you don’t know me I love you anyway love, that I know how many hairs are on your head, I’m there for you when you are scared type love. Love, something we all need but only a few of us want or know how to live with, something so unique and great

    Yet can create so much pain and hate.

     I sit and think of love and being in love and try to figure it all out because being in love is not what we think love is. As Webster defines it, being in love is loving someone with deep affection or passion, but to add we only love with conditions only for a minute until something better comes along or if you don’t hurt my feelings or do something I feel is out of the box for me to continue to love you .

    We feel that people have to love others a certain way or their intensions are wrong, hit the ones we love, then turn around and say our love for them is strong, some say love is just not enough to go on, but if love truly conquers on and love is the reason Jesus died on the cross then why is love not enough for us to stop some of this stuff? Or is it as humans we can’t love enough for love to be enough? We can’t love unconditionally; our minds and hearts are set to have boundaries. We continuously sort thru our pain hiding our shame trying to find the best way to cope with food and people that really don’t love us back, cause we don’t have that real love that real love that everyone searches for but never finds, so we just continue to make it a way to end a conversation, but I am waiting on the day were we could have the patience to love that real love, but to be honestly I don’t think we were designed to love loves full capacity.                                                                                                                  
    Copyright- 11/2006  -ShayJai

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    ShayJai’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
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    Happiness 0
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