Fairytale Love...


  • Love

    Fairytale Love...

    When I think of how I feel about you, only one word comes to mind, happiness

    because since you've entered my life all I have is this,


    tears of joy, no pain do I feel, except that of me having thoughts of you one day not being here.

    I want to share my world with you, wanta always be into you, you be into me, we always be, together, forever, like in a story, starting off with that once upon a time, with the ending happily ever after, our love would be so good we'd have to get it copy written. They will see, I will be so good to you, you so good to me people will try to steal it. 


    I had someone come and ask me to describe you in one word,

    I say money

    Cause I can't get enough of you,

    always need you,

    with your love, my heart will never be broke,

    and if a bitch try to step in the way, shit my roots of evil will definitely show.


    Your love reminds me of a fairytale: I had that long hair that you climbed,

    I lost that shoe that you found,

    To wake up and really enjoy life, I needed that one kiss, now since you entered my life all I have is this, smile, love and joy in my heart, I guess cause to it, you are the missing part.


    I was talking to a child the other day and it reminded me of you and the innocence that yawl share, I am talking about a child that hasn't been exposed to how to lie yet, you make me feel that.     

    My grandmother told me that this type of love was wrong,

    well I guess won't be right, and if love is truly blind,

    then I give you control of my sight,

    cause since you've entered my life, all I have is tears of joy, no sorrow in my heart, except that of the thoughts of us one day having to part.


    I mean to be honest with you I wasn't in bondage, but you made me free, I wasn't sick, but you cured me, My world wasn't raining, but you add sunshine, I was living but since you've enter my life I'm alive.


    I remember the not so good times we had, and I don't regret them cause without them we wouldn't be, and I know through it all, you now truly love me.

    A friend asked me, how do I know I love you, I said I think of it as the sky, how do we know it's blue? We don't, we just do.


     My mama asks me how would I describe my feelings for you, I said, powerful, like a speech about freedom, or a sermon from the pastor to his people.

    Or like a movie with meaningful ending. Or a song with a beauty melody.


    Because since you've enter my life all I have is this, smile no fears except those of the thoughts of you one day not being here, but when I get those thoughts, I tell myself one thing, it's better to have these great thoughts now, than to never have anything.


     Copyright 2006 - ShayJai


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    phatdaddee commented on Fairytale Love...


    WOW! Truly ecellent poetic rhythm! You play with words to create the feeling or emotion you wish to display! Good poem, honest and raw! I like this!!!

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    ShayJai’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    LOVE 0
    Fairytale Love... 1
    Happiness 0
    Just My Luck 0
    This Feeling 1
    Taking My FaYth... 0