Look Into My Eyes


  • Sadness

    Look Into My Eyes

    Look into my eyes,and tell me if you can
    see the pain I hide deep inside.
    Look into my eyes, and tell me if you can
    see that thing called pride.

    Look into my eyes, and tell me if you have
    noticed how time flies.
    Look into my eyes, and tell me if you can
    see how many times my heart cries.

    Look into my eyes,
    cant you see I'm tired of all the foolish lies.
    Look into my eyes,
    and tell me how to keep my mind on the prize.

    Look into my eyes, and tell me if you can
    see the day of my demise.
    Look into my eyes, and tell me if can see
    all the lonely skies.

    Look into my eyes, and tell me if you can see
    that I was once wise.
    Look into my eyes, and tell me if you can see
    all my lonely goodbyes.

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    MsTae’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Tracey 0
    After Five Long Years 1
    Look Into My Eyes 0
    Forbidden Affair 0
    Untitled 0
    Untitled 1
    Do You Remember 1