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    Many times we wonder why we are put in situations in life. Things that we think in the beginning that we have the upper hand on, in the middle show us we have no control…just a sail in the wind getting blown in different directions. It is always in the end that we realize the face value of what hand we were dealt whether good or bad we always carry a scar like mark that will be with us forever.

    A mark that makes us stronger and wiser and often leaves us looking back wondering how we ever got to where we are today. No one ever said that life would be easy, but they never said it would be this hard. I look at life as a step of different stages.

    First we are born, knowing absolutely nothing and beginning to get molded by our parents, our environment, and the people we are exposed to. As we get older we begin to learn the society rules, traditions, and expectations for being a citizen or should I say, “human.” Then the teenage years come where we don’t know what in the hell we want, but you think you know it all, your mad one minute and lost the next and all you care about is getting out on your own. Then the college years come where you realize you don’t know anything, you really don’t know what you want to do in life, and you begin to realize mom and dad do know something.

    Now as life progresses you start to cherish it more and cherish the people you took for granted. You look back and see what a dummy you used to be and think about all the regrets you have and promise to spend the rest of your life making up for them. Then you look for love on a more serious level and think about starting a family to pass your genes down.

    As with love then comes marriage and then you know a baby in the carriage. Now by this point in your life you begin to see that your parents are on a journey just like you. That they were once in your shoes and in the same learning process and the gap is made smaller. You realize that you and your parents are on the same road and they just happen to be further down it. Mistakes that they made you promised not to make and in fact have and will make them, because some parts of life have to be experienced to be learned.

    Now as you get older and see your parents aging you realize that life is short. That age equals wisdom.

    Author: Jason Risner

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    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    JadedJ’s Poems (8)

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