Letting you go


  • Letting Go

    Letting you go

    Your smile was the thing that pulled me in from the start,
    when you touched me you warmed my heart.
    When you looked into my eyes i knew you were sincere,
    I never imagined i could be with someone so dear.
    Everyone said we made such a cute couple,
    But we knew our relationship would eventually crumble.
    And when it did we both felt heartache,
    As our lives moved on without each other we didnt
    know how much more we could take.
    So we got back together and promised to be together forever,
    Of course that didnt work out either- we tried a few more
    times becasue we were believers.
    Soon the last time it ended was enough for me,
    Us being together was just something that couldn't be.
    And your right we need to get over each other,
    We need to move on and find a new lover.
    So, this is me doing something i should of dont a long time ago,
    Here i am and im finally letting you go.

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    MrsSue’s Poems (13)

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