Last Night


  • Love

    Last Night

    Last night I watch you sleeping, I traced
    every line of age-less beauty,
    I counted every breath of your dreamless peace
    Last night I stopped to steal but one –
    one breath, to fill my senses
    to relive the passion
    Last night, I crawled within your peace
    Last night – I found my future

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    KtIrish commented on Last Night


    Beautiful and perfect. I love everything about this piece. I say job very well done.

    cousinsoren commented on Last Night


    Whoa! Halt! "It serves to intensify" ...............not ":intendify"

    cousinsoren commented on Last Night


    A beautiful romantic idyll, Fauktlless, Is "Last night" an anaphora? It serves, obviously to intendify the pathos of the piece and to sustain the theme of adoration. My rating for over-all faultlessness and musicality is 10+ ..

    NevillePark commented on Last Night


    Sanctuary! Love is a meadow in our backyard. We don't necessarily need to run around in like a kid in to enjoy it. Sometimes we can sit quietly and rest in the being - assured of the doing part being there.

    laydbak1 commented on Last Night


    Yes, a very nicely done short piece of work here... Great imagery with the watching her sleep and all the good that came from those few powerfully reflective and reminiscent moments there...

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    songwriter’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Prisoner of his state of mind 5
    Echo's of Revolution 2
    Death of mind 2
    Last Night 6
    ...the end 2