

  • Love
    • catarino
    • Cultures come to conquer and their gods applaud.


    i have retreated from the balcony
    and closed the door behind me.

    through an open window, cold
    a distant seranade awakens.

    an undiscovered voice arrives tonight.

    an ancient song of longing thrives, tonight.

    within this minute, existence.

    i imagine the hills this song has traveled
    and the trees within me,

    limb by limb,

    reaching with each leaf to be
    shaken desperately.

    she is the quite stream that leaves,
    she is.

    she is the lake that lingers,
    she is.

    i live listening to the notes of old

    sung by young lovers,
    waiting for the rain.

    Poem Comments


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    wamomo commented on lagos


    ..this is utterly enchanting; both emotionally and metaphorically...thank you

    mamasan commented on lagos


    I'll be darned and I don't know why Caterino but this piece of music reminds me of the tale of Romeo and juliet. If I sound daft its because i am still drunk from the words you put before us. Thanks

    SavVySam commented on lagos


    "she is the lake that lingers" and so does the resonance of this piece, long after reading. Deeply beautiful!

    RHPeat commented on lagos


    This is a grand love poem I love the images; they move me. I suggest to close the space between the two (tonight) lines so that the antithesis metaphor has more play for the reader. They would work off of one another if they were closer together. Otherwise I like all the other spacing. I love this image: (serenade awakens), The idea that before that moment the music was sleeping. Beautiful.

    lightcourier commented on lagos


    I like the image of retreating from the balcony and the ancient voice within. Liked the repeating line she is and a new suffusion of that voice. very nice. Enjoyed reading. Thanks!

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    catarino’s Poems (42)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    white beard 8
    finding Tinoco 1
    ving- US borders.
    the forgiveness of skin 6
    we are memorable 4
    broken beat 3
    water song 2
    subtle 0
    days 0
    time always 1
    inicio 2
    to a new friend 1
    (close to you) 0
    editing 'Almagest'--- i guess. 0
    prayer 2
    notes 1
    jellyfish 2
    lingering 3
    flirting 4
    here and there 5
    candy 5
    stayin awake 2
    ( ) 1
    lagos 6
    Conflict of Gods 2
    a dream response 3
    time? 1
    thoughts 3
    sluggish 1
    silence is a sheild 4
    deciding to jump @ Davenport 3
    death is treasure 2
    pause 6
    homeless 2
    tossin and turnin 2
    father 2
    close to being further 2
    meeting you 2
    Revision 2
    Amiga 3
    Commitment and wishes 2
    spider and butterfly 7