


Lights flashes before my eyes
glass across my face
blood lay sickly on the floor
screams penetrate my thoughts
I fight visions of death laying at my feet
faces come and go, faster and faster
bodies at my feet, graves at my head
wind rush me telling me something
but nothing at the same time
I stand with ghosts around
staring me down
I can't take this
and run the more I run
the harder they stare
blood glistens in the night
slowly I'm being swallowed
by my fears of nothingness
yet I fear them voices yelling, cursing, torturing

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toredbloodink commented on Inside


Some one else's nightmare... Don't fear ... And be brave , this was a great read.... Redbloodink

scrye commented on Inside


Inner turmoil is a true friend to the poet, we create our best pieces of art from what struggles within us. Wonderful read. Thanks for posting.

ccslim commented on Inside


Well put inner torment that frightens the mightiest of men and taints the beauty of an angel! Content by words awesome and flows grand!

dangedmanjr commented on Inside


we all have somthing to run from!

fallonbird commented on Inside


I like this. Had my head reeling with pictures of all the pictures of the different scenes.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

lostangryyouth’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Just rip it out 1
Poetry 1
My Father Is . . . 7
Sand 3
Inside 7
Sick 2
Darkness 3