

  • Teenage<3

    Poem Commentary

    hey thanks for reading {{your name here}} well this is my 1st poem that ii wrote on this webiste hope you like it && ii really do wish ii could go back to that world it seems like adults think tenagers have it easy because we're young && don't have much responsiblites but little do they know sometimes it gets hard on us too ::)


         There is just somthing i wanna tell you {boy}.But im afraid if i tell you, you wouldn't know what level  iam on. I just wish i could go back way when to when we where kids && used to bulid mud pies && run around with scraped knees. I just wanna go back to the age we all where && we didnt judge eachother && we. Where all friends dayum where is the innocence i just wanna go back to where boys wasn't the only thing that was. Silly  to me but everything has change we're in a diffrent world, life is getting so fucking tough as we grow up. && ii just wish we can all go back to those +~wonderful innocent+~ days.

    BUT i don't think you hear me though the days im talking about is so far back there. Where i wanna go is where we all love eachother && it was okay for little girls could run around like little. Boys && not considered to bee gay :[ it seems like since thoses. Days nothing seems innocent nomore where the that little world go?


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    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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