Illusion of Time slowly bending your mind


Poem Commentary

Take the time to go outside and bend time~slowly and gently

Who's time are you living on???

Illusion of Time slowly bending your mind


  Illusion of Time Slowly Bending Your Mind 


I say that this reality is the illusion in my mind, I stumble forward ,
only to fall behind.

You know that this reality could be taking away, even delaying your precious ,fleeting time.

Taking you away from what could be, far from a clue,
 that is so simple to see, a reflection in the  mirror from me to you.

 So I begin, to look within, and bend my mind.

 Bending my mind to release the eternal flow

Letting it all loose , spirit tends to let go.

Way past this illusion given unto me,
Way past the phantom crystal highway,
just before the end of the deep blue , glistening and torrent sea.

Way down below the roots reaching for the breathing ,elemental ,creaking, wandering trees.

 When I begin, to look within, and bend my mind.

Again I taste the sweet honey drip , succulent sweet sublime.

Maybe today will finally bring me what I need,
Maybe today I sow the graceful way, God's bursting seed.

Yes ,I am sure that it is possible,
Yes ,I believe that I am unstoppable.

You know you can look between,
what people think IT should be.

Watching the insane,
always repeating their vulnerable played out history ,that
well known Gregorian game.

Something whispers in your ear, asking about the mystery we call time.
No reason, the rhythm overtakes your conscious mind.

As I start to unwind, and look within ,gently bending my mind.

When I do this I find a friend deep down inside.

When it seems like all you have is a moment of time,
like a timeless space beneath the blue morning star ,fluttering mystic shine.

It Maybe transcendence from below the haze
It could be a simple shadow floating up in your daze.
Like the sliver of the elecrtric desert diamond moon.
It's all space, fearless grace, that might be you .

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Bobbette commented on Illusion of Time slowly bending your mind


this is very beautiful and lyrical in shape the way that it takes me down and down a very long spiral helix actually feeling the bending of the mind to a floating peace. wonderful.

rougepriest commented on Illusion of Time slowly bending your mind


nice work, Like the sliver of the elecrtric desert diamond moon. thats my fav. line,and cool methaphor. you may like some of my stuff.

dannyboy22 commented on Illusion of Time slowly bending your mind


It certainly illustrates the humble power that each possesses. I like the way you worded "Watching the insane, always repeating their vulnerable played out history" since the definition of insanity is " doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. I like it. good job



Thanks man, been working on it this morning, thought it may be too long. Ill check your poems out. Mahalo!!

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

diggz’s Poems (5)

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