Corner Living Testimate of the Human Nature


  • Confusion

    Corner Living Testimate of the Human Nature

    People look at me as I am driving by
    People look at me as I am looking down, a sign in their hand,
    somehow they lost their master plan
    The penny less bogarts roam and shy away
    The fruits of their labor , a bitter taste, on the curb they stay.

    The darkness of their eyes, needing the eye of life, simple no strife
    the shift in their ripple, a simple twist, a burst of light
    To wipe out the figments of their dillusion, not to mention carbon intrusion
    My oh , how they try. My oh my, we still drive by.

    Remember it could be you, messed up laying in departed goo
    Would you help yourself, or one who can not do, take the step to start a new?
    I write them a letter in my mind, one written on a road long ago.
    Sit no more, advance if you can, deliver yourself, take a stand, jump up rediscover your soul!!!!

    If you can't I truly understand, Since you can't I will lend a hand and drop another pile of corporate coins in your humbled bowl.

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    SavVySam commented on Corner Living Testimate of the Human Nature


    "There but for the grace of God, go I"... Blankets, hot coffee, a sandwich or $$,a kind word & smile anything that helps, the last two cost us nothing... unless we just drive by.. Good write!

    Madelynn commented on Corner Living Testimate of the Human Nature


    So true are these words!-I have thing I say,about people in this situation-That their eyes are sewn shut!-or/their eyes have not been wiped clean-It is so important to realize how precious each breath is,and equally as precious to realize-well being or wealth have absolutely nothing to do with money.Although this system we created certainly does cause stress and keeps us on our toes-I would rather have very little material wealth and my eyes wiped clean-then an abundance of wealth and my eyes sewn shut.-10



    I fully agree, in these times I just hope people don't slip through the cracks. My life is so beyond abundant that I feel like doing something to help people in situations. But of course if their eyes are sewn shut then its not up to me. But I will try. Thanks for the comment. Most of these poems were just free styling. I have a whole collection I am trying to copywright. I see your work is. Great job. Have a blessed day!! Jonathan

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    diggz’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
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    Mercy me, mercy to you 4
    value 3
    If you think it is there , it probably is 5
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    Corner Living Testimate of the Human Nature 2