  • Lost Love


    If you was to leave me today or tomorrow i would cry my eyes out.
    If you was to stay with me for a long time i would be happy.
    If you was to get shot i would pray that you live but i would also cry.
    If you was to tell me you love me and never come back i would cry.
    If you was to tell me that you love me whlie we walked daown the hall and the next minute you gone and i am walking across your head looking down on you saying don't leave me jay jay and the next morning they thell us that you is gone i will cry for the rest of my life i will break down some times and as i grow it will hurt more and i would cry more.

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    dx26 commented on If



    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    MICKEYMOUSE’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    True Friend 1
    My Seceret 0
    If 1
    Nobody 1