I wont say u sorry


I wont say u sorry

You are my friend
I won’t say u SORRY
Please don’t you worry
I won’t say to SORRY

I fail to understand u
It was my mistake
My gesture hurt u
But still …..
I won’t say u Sorry

I misbehaved
I overheard
I didn’t care for u
But still…..
I won’t say u Sorry

I know how rude
I behaved
For simple misconception
Understanding would have healed…
But still…
I won’t say u Sorry

I don’t deserve
To say u SORRY
Sorry is small word
For what I did

How can I say u sorry
Still I can ask for forgiveness


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origionalmerlin commented on I wont say u sorry


a good write (in english) you get your feelings across.. please try what i do in my multi lingual writings, do both languages original language first then translation second,.. a good read thank you for posting this

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Smileywebby’s Poems (12)

Title Comments
Title Comments
What do I name you? 0
Silent Love 0
Unspoken Words 0
A Broken Heart 2
Bond of brother and sister 0
Women Day 1
I won't say sorry 0
I wont say u sorry 1
To My Dad..... 3
Once upon a time..... 1
Once upon a time.... 5
I Love U 3