I won't say sorry


I won't say sorry

You are my friend
I won’t say u SORRY
Please don’t you worry
I won’t say to SORRY

I fail to understand u
It was my mistake
My gesture hurt u
But still …..
I won’t say u Sorry

I misbehaved
I overheard
I didn’t care for u
But still…..
I won’t say u Sorry

I know how rude
I behaved
For simple misconception
Understanding would have healed…
But still…
I won’t say u Sorry

I don’t deserve
To say u SORRY
Sorry is small word
For what I did

How can I say u sorry
Still I can ask for forgiveness


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Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

Smileywebby’s Poems (12)

Title Comments
Title Comments
What do I name you? 0
Silent Love 0
Unspoken Words 0
A Broken Heart 2
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Women Day 1
I won't say sorry 0
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