i love you


  • Philosophy

    i love you

    who has said these three words
    at first?
    who has started the loving business
    at first?
    why we are so eager to spread
    the love?
    why no one pronounce the word hate
    on the face
    afraid to lose the prestgious race
    but ready to lie year after year
    inside the mind, pile of pain
    still can not open, in front of the crowd,
    as i said, afraid to lose the game,
    have to win, how much it takes,
    have to be on the top,
    even standing on the shoulders
    of the corps, don't look back or down,
    must need to win, with the slogan and strong
    voice, i love you and only you,
    while kissing your lips, telling other
    one, standing in the row,
    life moves on, so as my love,
    spreading all over the world.

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    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    naushad’s Poems (21)

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