don't go


  • Philosophy

    don't go

    one after another, they all have gone
    before they leave, almost all of them given
    me word, they will come back,
    to accompany me, to console me,
    but none of them returned,
    in fact, they were not aware
    where they are heading
    the place of never return,
    you want or you don't
    it does not make any difference
    to time, it will happen, that is the
    only truth, left behind,
    as you are here, so you have to leave,
    this is the rule, rule of the nature,
    rule of God, believe it or not
    does not matter,
    your choices are not counted here,
    you and I are the weak party here,
    we always have a no win situation
    as long as we live,
    it seems like, we are moving fast
    to acheive the goal
    the start of the final journey
    leaving behind, all sweet memories,
    relatives, friends,
    one step forward, cannot come back
    this is the truth, only one
    all other can be changed
    but once your time arrived
    you are gone, so, never say don't go
    let it happen, what is written.

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    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    naushad’s Poems (21)

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