How Many


  • Lost Love

    How Many

    I TRIED to Count the seconds,
    But there were to many,
    I TRIED to COUNT the Mintutes,

    There were just as many.
    The HOURS are to many, DO i count the DAYS,
    I already know the
    TO Many
    But i know my HEART,I,ll LOVE YOU forever.
    I can,t count how MANY.

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    HarverTomsson commented on How Many


    This poem is like your favorite cousin who tickles you upon meeting. Is it sexy after all? or just warm affection? Could mention a typo here and there, but who's counting? LOL Harv

    charmlessman2d commented on How Many


    hate to be the grammer police here, but it would be TOO MANY. not TO MANY. other than that..i love this poem. its playful the way you wrote it. andits not too serious. but you do get to your point which i like. because it shows your confidence and patience as you count out the days to whatever it was you were waiting for. hope it was worth the wait!

    RPT40 commented on How Many


    I like how this reads in a lighthearted way, but the strength of the message shines through

    bluewolf commented on How Many


    A very heartfelt emotional display of the depth of love one can have for another, while at the same time dreading the loss of such an emotional connection. Good work.

    muttman1 commented on How Many


    Short and very deep at the same time I like your stlye

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    AngelBaby47’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    How Many 6
    Always support me 5
    My Pounding Heart 4