Him & Her


Him & Her

if i had looked at you 3 days ago
i would say
why would anyone like you
but now
i see more
those blue eyes
that blonde hair
and that smile i can't get out of my head
i have seen you
but not in this light
i now see you like a friend
like a guy that i have known for years

I see you now like i have know you for years
but i can't tell you how i feel
because it might wreck every thing we have
i don't know if you like me or want to be with me
but i know that i want to be with you

i sit next to you in this grass looking up at the sky
i feel your heart beating
i smell your hair
i love it
i want you
i need you
but i would never tell you how i feel

While i sit next to you
i feel my heart bounding in my chest
i want to kiss you
but should i
what would you say
i feel me moving toward you
my lips getting closer to yours
then i feel you lips against mine
and i am comforted

I feel you
i feel you arms
your chest
your lips
i can't belive it
but then that feelling is gone
you have pulled away
i am looking at you now face to face
i see the real you

I have to see you all the time now
i long for you
every second of the day
i miss you laugh
your grin
 your hair
but most of all your mind
when i kissed you
i saw what you saw
i felt what you felt
i feel like i know you better then i know myself

I miss that kiss
that feeling
that tenderness
that care
i miss you more then any other thing
i have to see you
feel you
touch you
i need you!

we walk together
we stop
We open are mouths and say
"I love You"
we need each other now
like best friends but more
we long for each other
we do not miss each other
we see each other

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jerseycrtz commented on Him & Her


I do think your better with Kyle than Steven. But this poem is really good. js.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

BentlyB’s Poems (26)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Love Lies 1
I Want Him But Can't Have Him 2
wanting you 1
The Last Time 1
I Need You 2
Baseball 1
Girls 2
Dream 1
Thunder Storm 1
Boy to a man 3
Survive 1
My Secret Love 3
First Love 1
Boys! 1
what i feel for you 1
Mr. Heath 1
Confusion 1
Together 1
Dads 1
Waiting 1
Tear drops 3
Him & Her 1
Why 2
My world 1
You & him 1
You, Me 1