Heart Break


Poem Commentary

How I felt after my engagement was broken off, and a bit of how I'm currently feeling

Heart Break

Never before have I felt such soul shattering pain.

The one thing I thought for sure absolute, changed, it broke.

Everything began to fall apart.

Love, life, my emotions, they faltered.

I began to doubt everything, nothing seemed real.

Like a nightmare that never ended it continued to worsen.

Eventually I hit a low point, couldn’t sink any lower.

It began to turn around; I started to regain my faith in life.

Everything has pulled up but my emotions are still being toyed with.

She’s done this to me…she tells me she loves me.

She tells me she always will.

I try to believe this, I return the emotions easily

But I still doubt her, if she did, why would she torment me so?

Why would she want to shatter me, just to come back later on?

I don’t understand why, I’ve been far to willing towards her.

I think maybe, it’s time for a change.

But how can I go about doing this without losing her?

Now this, this is the question I seek to answer.

With answering that, I’ll finally make the leap to moving on.

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SuperChick62 commented on Heart Break


Moving on is indeed a hard aspect in life, but sometimes the best. For better will come, as long as you love yourself and you're willing to embrace life, no matter what. Only when you're not looking, does love come a-knocking. A very raw poem, shows a lot of potential. Maybe a little tweaking here and there on the flow. A very nice poem, very raw. Good read, good write, good job.

nam1292 commented on Heart Break


amazing, saw raw and so true..idk wat else to say. keep it coming ~nam

DarkDreams commented on Heart Break


.......Honestly, Speachless....... *tear* ._.'' Good Wright..

PoeticBrit commented on Heart Break


this poem hit close to home. maybe a little too close. i've been through alot of the same. good write. love it :)

RemedyTug commented on Heart Break


i feel u on that one bro, sometimes it just doesnt seem fair

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

HatedPhoenix’s Poems (5)

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