He Hides Me.....In The Secret place Of The Most High


Poem Commentary

   This Poem Was Written Under The Inspiration Of..
 91st Tehillim=(Hebrew), Also Known In English As Psalms 91
   As I read From The Amplified Version Of The Bible

He Hides Me.....In The Secret place Of The Most High

       He has Opened The Ancient Book, Tehillim 91....

The Psalmists of the ages, sings His song...
He drew me in...
into, "The Secret Place"...
that hidden garden..
let me tell you of it now...

It's a place hidden away from tormentors,
It's not a natural place, but a supernatural habitat,
A habitat is a place of dwelling, an abode where one puts down roots,
An abundantly rich dwelling, where one enters complete,
A place of completeness of peace,
of joy, of long-suffering, even tempers,
kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, meekness, gentleness, self-control,
and of love.
It is a place of full understanding
A place where light abounds, and darkness is neither a memory,
nor a thought,

A place where only the clean and pure of heart may browse and partake of it's lush fields,
Enjoying there beauty and nourishment, without limitations,
A place where the veil no longer conceals our redeemer,
Our risen LORD,
A land in which The mighty One true GOD is shown to be the holder of our very hearts.
And in which the greatest story ever told begins, and continues, happily ever after,
In this secret place we see only Him,
We hear only Him,
We speak only of Him,
And we react only to Him,

In this wonderful place we are captivated in His presence,
In here, there is only Him,
All that He is… all that we are in Him,
We are aware that we are safe,
No earthly pressures are there,
No fear,
No doubt, unbelief, or frustrations,

No inhibitions, nor sickness,
In this place the freedom bell tolls it's beautiful song day and night,
In here we are keenly aware, of His overpowering ability…
to complete His plan for our lives,
It is here we sit, stand, walk or run, never wearied,
With assurance in the hope and full faith,
Of an already obtained victory.

It is in this place where the rivers never run dry,
Where the well to His heart opens willingly up into endless depths,
Fresh, clear, always moving,
Swallowing up in it's billows every tie that binds,
Every burden we bear,
Every self focusing thought,
Every feather we've allowed to be ruffled.

Every struggle,
Every striving to direct and complete our own lives,
Yes, this is the place,
This wonderful garden field,
This abode where we kick off our shoes,
To walk in the cool grasses of His mercies,
The plush foliage of His grace,

Here's where we rest in the factual knowledge that,
He will do it!
He has conquered death, hell, foe and the grave,
Just for me,
And just for you,

A hero to be hailed,
A friend to be approached,
A brother to be trusted,
A savior to be embraced,
A Father Worshiped,
A victory to be applauded,
A job well done.

In this hidden place,
His wisdom is received as infinite,
His power all consuming,
His Words not to be questioned,
His way blameless,
His glory enduring,

He is the faithful witness,
To all that ever was, is, and is to come,

In such a place as this we discover His pleasure in us,
Not for the great exploits we have done for Him,
But simply because… we carry His Name.

In this truly amazing dwelling,
Worldly cares are not allowed,
They are abandoned without hesitation, outside the door,

In this secret Place, I am clean and washed,
For only the clean may enter through the door,
And only the washed carry the secret map to it's entrance,
Only they may hide here,
For it's a Secret Place you see!

In this place,
I am perfumed of frankincense and myrrh,
I am drenched in the anointing oil of His Holy Spirit,
My feet are called blessed, for the glad tidings they carry,

Because I have remained in your secret place,
I proclaim happy words through out the land,
I sing Him a love song,
"Our God Reigns, Strong and Valiant,
“ King Of Kings, The Lord Of Lords!"

In this hidden place, Our GOD sits on the throne,
His Only Begotten Son

Who was..who is..and who is soon to come,

Highly exulted at His right hand,

In this place we see and hear One voice..
His witness stands true..

And all the deeds done, of unrighteous men outside The Door,
Do not move Him,

His judgments are exact,
He is a gracious and good King,
His throne suits Him well,

In this secret dwelling He teaches me by example,
All mysteries are unfolded,
As I closely observe His every move.

In this secret place,
We bring in all we have been carrying,
Ourselves, our belongings, our families, our friends,
Our enemies, our hopes and dreams,

And here is where we leave them,
In the presence of hope, and victory, through faith,

So here I sit,
And here I'll stay,

In the secret place of THE MOST HIGH,
The inheritance of His promise,

Right here,
Safe and sound,

In the palms of His hands,
Etched deeply,

In the cleft of The Rock,
In the center of His heart,

My secret place,

My abode,

My home.

......................by one... who bears witness...Tina St.Ama
                                                            Copywrite 2009                                                                SpiritSong

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christiangirl commented on He Hides Me.....In The Secret place Of The Most High


I love it. . . I absolutely not only applaud your amazing poem, but now understand that "secret place" more than i thought i ever could, and i LOVE it!!!! so thank you for sharing this awesome poem. . .i think God smiled a lot when you wrote this one. [:



Thank You CG, I'm honored and blessed by your words, and that your heart was enlightened even further into the Secret Place of The Most High, your so very welcome my friend. TY.. "SpiritSong"

FitzHouston09 commented on He Hides Me.....In The Secret place Of The Most High


Wow, unbelievably incredible imagery in your words, I will never look at "secret place" in the Word the same ever again. You gave those two words describing that place in God more meaning than I have ever have. And now when I go to that secret place, I will now understand how to use the divine power that is bestowed upon us when we take the time and commitment to go there. This piece has taken my prayer life to another level. Thank you and let's keep "praising His name with the sound of poetry." God bless you!



I'm utterly blessed by your heart felt comment Fitz! Abba Father is so good to honored me with your friendship, what a dear brother in messiah..TY Fitz.."SpiritSong"

mariadapoesia commented on He Hides Me.....In The Secret place Of The Most High


What wonderful words of faith, hope and comfort! Reading your poem made me think of heaven and the everlasting presence of God we'll enjoy there. Thank you for your willingness to share!

SavVySam commented on He Hides Me.....In The Secret place Of The Most High


Tina my sweet Spirit of Song you gift us with words that lift and bolster those in need of hope and inspiration! You shine a beacon for those who are lost and struggling. May you continue to be blessed and share your fine talents! Many thanks my friend for the peaceful respite!

jademelissa74 commented on He Hides Me.....In The Secret place Of The Most High


This is not only a well written poem, it is a wonderfully crafted keepsake. You have a singing spirit and that is very obvious. Your words reach the reader in a way that only a true warrior could. Amazing write indeed!



Thank you Jademelissa..You have seen the singing spirit of the warrior in me...only Abba father could have revealed the unity of both by His Spirit...I am blessed that you hear Him and have shared His confirming word with me..all is revealed to Him, and to the sensitive kindred spirit..thank you JM..have a beautiful day beloved of Him, whose loves endures forever..Tina.. "SpiritSong"..

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

SpiritSong’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
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A Falls Leaf Upon The Wind.. 26
Gentle Lover Of My Soul 56
He Hides Me.....In The Secret place Of The Most High 39
The Scent Of My Lover 67