Happiness Was


  • Loss

    Happiness Was

    Gus~I love you beyond all conception

    Happiness Was
    The year of two thousand five
    The best year of my life
    My Gus was alive

    Happiness was
    His arms holding me tight
    His smiling eyes on me
    Beautiful blues twinkling bright

    His hand on my knee
    When we rode in the car
    His hand on my knee
    Riding his bike
    Near and far

    His chest was my pillow
    His heart beat in my head
    Stroking my hair
    “I Love You” he said

    His hands holding mine
    His lap my favorite chair
    His lips how I miss those
    Tender kisses on my hair

    His scent in the air
    His voice my favorite sound
    His happy laughter
    Always around

    His heart pressed to mine
    His body my bed
    His thoughts in my ears
    His chin on my head

    His happiness my world
    His embrace my calm port
    His soul touched mine
    His strength my support

    His mark left on me
    His love didn’t fail
    His spirit still clings
    His essence shall prevail

    By ALB

    copyright ©2008 by the author.
    All rights reserved by author.

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    Butterflyjey commented on Happiness Was


    I liked your poem, it touched my heart as I have lost a husband twice.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Drea2up’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Touch Of Your Hands 5
    I Wanna 4
    The Horizon 1
    Sneak Attack 1
    My Love 1
    Longing 2
    Tanks For The Ride 1
    Once Loved 1
    Skin 2
    Happiness Was 2
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