Hand-Me-Downs of No Heritage


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    Hand-Me-Downs of No Heritage

    In the shallows of mathematical equation you'll find the (L)ibertarian. Bringing the dismantling of nation-states' by the global economy. Choices of no economic viability; while the dismantled system does not recognise self-government and personal responsibility.
    Thus leaving the choice to Government or Wall Street.
    In the privacy right of social retreat, since legislation of morality impedes consumer choice.
    Paleoconservative - confirm the institutions eroded by the delinquent market, it is not your bankruptcy. On the backs of those outside the borderless one-world, the culture is carried by those that uphold it -- to the second-hand store.

    © S. Wesley Mcgranor

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    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

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