

  • Thoughts


    Black and White:
    The line is blurred-
    A grey streak seen through polished glass eyes.

    Purpose looms ahead,
    purging my thoughts.

    For a moment
    the water runs clear...

    But I have within me
    the winds of the four-cornered earth.
    They threaten to burst
    from my lungs
    and toss me further still
    from my long lost Ithaca.

    I know my home is there,
    invisible on the horizon.

    But that horizon remains
    a dim wavering line to my glass eyes.
    My vision reflects
    and Longing trails behind
    followed closely by Apathy.

    Poem Comments


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    mnowlin11 commented on Glass-eye


    i feel u on that poem...all i know is to keep ur eyes on the prize. Also, enjoy the journey...u learn more from the detours than the actual destination.

    FindingJune commented on Glass-eye


    This is very good. It is quite refreshing to read a poem that is clear and concise....without all the fluff that is does not add anything to the piece. THAT is poetry. Saying as much as you possibly can with few, strong, properly placed words. Well done.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    ApatheticFish’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Summer Walks in Georgia 2
    Ink Spill 4
    Glass-eye 2
    Satisfied 2
    Stalker 1
    Sleep 1
    Wedding Plans 1