Full Circle


  • Political

    Full Circle

    The talk that i hear now, i used to be giving,
    that whole care-free existence, i used to be living.
    Things were crazy when i came up, i've ducked from bullets hailing,
    but what are we doing for today's youth? failing.
    All that's going down, is my generations doing,
    "if yuh tink i talking shit, breds who yuh foolin?".
    We gave them that anger, we froze up their hearts,
    we're the reason that they're stopping lives before they even start.
    The guns are still on these mean streets, but now they're held by younger hands,
    fatherless boy grown into consciousless man.
    I don't claim to have the answers, but questions must be asked,
    we all must turn inward and put ourselves to the task.
    you cut out all the programs, young folks will get idle,
    and start to plant the seeds for a negative cycle.
    Bring back all-age weekends, give the teens a fair chance,
    to form friendships while they soak in the vibe of the dance.
    Bring back talent shows, showcase the cats on the rise,
    it's time to view the world through the younger gens eyes.

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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    JULES74’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Much Easier 0
    If Only 0
    A Message Before... 0
    The Anecdote 0
    The Gift 0
    Constantly 0
    Cold Hearts & Empty Pockets 0
    Whatever Happened To..... 0
    Another Mother, Another Child 1
    Full Circle 2