

  • Happiness


    The word I've been
    The feeling I've been
    I want to fly free
    in the wilderness.
    I don't want to get
    involve in a world
    of war.
    Yelling, hating, jealousy,
    and etc. These things
    are too much.
    I always want it to
    be together but it won't
    Sometimes I image
    myself flying away
    from it all.
    I image love in the air.
    I image peace in everyone.
    My freedom is what I'm looking for.

    Poem Comments


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    KristyLoren commented on Freedom


    And ocean of deepness and despair. Through your piece of art I can imagine you flying like an Eagle in the sky. And thats what writing is all about, feeling the piece and Oh I did. Great write.

    rossmangeles commented on Freedom


    Very nicely written. I love the way you crave for freedom. Keep it up! Cheers!

    sxygrneyes874 commented on Freedom


    Beutiful. Don't give up :)

    DeepEclipse commented on Freedom


    Keep fighting.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    baddreams’s Poems (19)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    RAIN 0
    random 0
    Untitle 0
    My pain 0
    Why Me 1
    Roses are red...... 2
    I’m pretending 3
    small poem 2
    Cold, Hot, and Warm 0
    Suffering 4
    Night not morning 2
    Rain 2
    Freedom 4
    Jealousy 1
    Little baby sister 0
    Hey,hey 1
    The Night is Young 3
    Fog 2
    Cold, Hot, and Warm 1