Cold, Hot, and Warm


  • Other

    Cold, Hot, and Warm

    I hate the cold.
    He treats me like I am
    He thinks he can control
    everything because he
    has money.

    I hate the hot.
    He treats me like I am
    a slut.
    He lies to me and makes
    me pay his bills. He said
    I am his number one but
    I am his number fourteen.

    I love the warm.
    He treats me right and he
    has a heart. He may be
    shy, dark and handsome.
    Sure he can impress a

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    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    baddreams’s Poems (19)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    RAIN 0
    random 0
    Untitle 0
    My pain 0
    Why Me 1
    Roses are red...... 2
    I’m pretending 3
    small poem 2
    Cold, Hot, and Warm 0
    Suffering 4
    Night not morning 2
    Rain 2
    Freedom 4
    Jealousy 1
    Little baby sister 0
    Hey,hey 1
    The Night is Young 3
    Fog 2
    Cold, Hot, and Warm 1