Found and lost Gould


  • Lost Love

    Found and lost Gould

    A little fresh air you breathed into me,like the crashing waves and the cool sea breeze! It maybe a lightening thunder with the sky full of clouds, but your smile, love, laughter drowns out the sounds! Joyful and giddy you make me feel, so much of me i can reveal! Not knowing where this friendship may go, this feeling of bliss it overflows! Your intriguing brown eyes comfort my soul, surrounded by you I loose all control! Surprisingly spontaneous, never knowing whens the next kiss, dreading the moment when you will be missed. Being in your presence makes me feel alive, uncontrolled feelings where the truth cant hide! Loosing our loved ones in different ways, holding onto the ones we have through each day! Growing in friendship and having so much fun, falling for you can never be undone! But a mist of confusion clutters our minds, a friendship like ours is hard to find! So we hold onto all we have left, knowing we have truly been blessed! Wishing we could always be together, I'm not gonna lie! knowing we will regret the moment when we'll have to say goodbye! I Love you Garrette G.Gould

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    WordSlinger commented on Found and lost Gould


    I really like this, it is written with so much passion, I really felt the poem.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    savey37’s Poems (2)

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    Our dreams 0
    Found and lost Gould 1