Original Poetry Forums

Suggestions on Poetry Group

05-07-2009 at 02:39:04 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Thank you for that kind plea. I appreciate it.
Knowing my nature, I probaly will hang around for a while just to see how things evolve before I post any of my work. It has not been easy for me to find a site that does poetry. The last site I had participated in, "GlimmerTrain," went all short stories. Which I like, but I'm currently doing poetry too, and they phased that out.
Another site, turned out to be a rip. They did publish one of my poems though, in a book called "Leaves of Gold." But after additional careful exploration, I found they had a nasty habit of capitalizing on others talent without just compensation. So I left them.
My reason for wanting to join here, is that I'm new at this avenue of self expression. So I would like some feed back and / or critique of my work. I'm not looking for 'ego stroking,' though at times I think everyone needs that just to keep their sanity; but to have actual thoughts on how or where my work could be improved.
My late father and his brother, wrote poetry. I myself do fine art and furniture making, but; in everything, I'm self taught pretty much, and I've recently, due to my graphic art background, began writing too. Anyway...
I understand the need for occassional bickering, but several of the posts in two or three threads, revealed members really went at it. As a "newbie,' it really left me wondering. Like Jaddenblade.
I noted your bio after your comment, and folks with your background are why I would like to associate here. Your experience and association, would be most benneficial to a beginner such as myself. But like some of the others who've complained, I didn't want to get caught up in any conflicts here either......d

05-07-2009 at 06:45:21 PM

Plot121's Condition

Plot121 aka Robert had surgery today at OHSU in Oregon. They had to amputate his left foot just above his ankle, but so far he is doing well, he is awake and alert and talking, and his doctors say for now things are looking good. He will be fitted with a prosthetic and undergo rehab, so his total recovery time will be approximately 2 months. He IS planning to continue the UPA group, hopefully he will be able to come online soon. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers as they are all greatly appreciated. Thank you.

uspslady aka Beverly

05-07-2009 at 07:13:13 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Hate to hear of the extreme measures taken, yet must have been needed.
Wishing Robert good health and a fast recovery.


05-07-2009 at 11:05:56 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

I totally agree with Dahlusion on his thoughts about the site, We are a group already, And we all enjoy posting our poems for all to see, Rick grin

05-12-2009 at 08:17:48 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

I agree with Phoenix9 and Dahlusion all on this site are already a group. And I'd like to add, when we pick our "friends" we are picking poets we like to read a lot, the ones we don't want to miss any of the poems they write. So from the friend picking we create groups within the group.

If plot121 wants his own forum or group then maybe he should start his own poetry site and spend the money and time I'm sure it takes to create and mantain one of this size. Then he can ban whoever he feels is not on his level or up to his standards. Personally it seems to me and I may be wrong, that Plot121 is always caught up in some drama. No offense to anyone who may consider him or her to be a friend, I just call em like I see em. In any war, be it of words or of bombs, there are no innocent parties. I ignore the drama but it seems like he is always in the thick of it. rolleyes

05-12-2009 at 08:47:08 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

I also agree with FoF and like his ideas.

05-12-2009 at 09:04:21 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

To all UPA members...due to plot121's condition and his prolonged absence from the site, all UPA activity will be temporarily suspended until he returns on June 5, 2009. If you would like to contact him, please do so via pm, IM, or you may email me directly at yoakam_fanatic@yahoo.com. Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and patience.

uspslady aka Beverly

05-13-2009 at 05:08:17 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Hey Bev

I read about Plot and all the problems he has had to incur. Iam very sorry. Again please forward my good wishes for his full recovery. As you may have read or will read I have pulled all my poems from the site and I have decided to leave. Shannon can not be controlled nor does Clips want the responsibility of being a babysitter to her. Sadly enough he has allowed the inmate to run the asylum. As you know many of us have left original poetry or are about to. Iam tired of being threatened by legal actions for things I have not done or would do.I wish you and Plot all the best as soon as he is able to return to you. Both of you seem to have a good thing going and I hope and wish both of you all the best.

Unspoken cheese

05-13-2009 at 10:19:12 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Thank you unspoken, that was very kind of you. I passed your message along to Plot. Right now he needs all the encouragement he can get. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

uspslady aka Beverly

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.