Original Poetry Forums

Suggestions on Poetry Group

04-04-2009 at 02:33:14 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

I'm very interested in seeing how this evolves.

04-04-2009 at 07:25:17 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

I expressed the desire to be a part of this group if invites fly but I can't deny who I am and I can't allow myself to go past what is deemed mature so in essence I'm limited to where I peruse, therefor maybe I can still be somebody you can use. To reach more is to go where they read, and thats where to be, out in front where all can see.

04-04-2009 at 09:45:42 AM

One More day for suggestions all

I thank all of you that have shared your ideas, Thanks to you all I have gotten some new Ideas on how to set this thing up. I will be writing all of them sunday night. I will keep you informed and will be stating what I want to do by tuesday in the forum. Please come back and I am sure the surprise of how I am going about this would be a breath of fresh air. I have understood you responses about choosing the people myself and come up with a way that that won't be possible so everyone that has the passion to write and can meet the requirements has a shot at being with this thing from the start thanks again and hope to see most to all of you join in the chaos take care all Robert... AKA plot121 AKA Jaded1 cool smirk

04-04-2009 at 03:28:14 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Community Builders Are Poets
that have commented on members poems.
Known for its loyal, strong, and welcoming community of poets.

Maybe we can use a point system for Community Members.
Points are accumulated every time you:

Post a New Poem
Comment on a Poem
Comment on a Blog
Enter a the Contest
Post a Blog
Sponsor a poet/Mentor
Are added as a Favorite Poet by a Member

04-26-2009 at 08:38:19 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Okay, I am gonna add my two cents worth. I truly do not believe any good poets that are on this site for the purpose of sharing poetry will be excluded from anything. But any of us that have spent time on this site knows that there are some people here more interested in drama and causing trouble then anything else. I do believe those people are known by, if not all of us, than some of us and should be excluded! I have been a part of a yahoo poetry group for years as well as a co-owner of a yahoo trivia group. When you open these groups to the general public you have people who's only purpose is to tear it down or make it impossible for all to enjoy.
We started our groups with owners and moderators and did not allow everyone to join. Call me what you want, for doing this but everyone should be able to handle a code of conduct. In fact I think people should just plain be able to conduct themselves in a manner in which is acceptable, but the honest truth is some people can't. By having moderators you have more than one person deciding if a member has not behaved properly. That way you do not have to worry about personal feelings between two people aiding in making decisions.
I have one more thing to say and it may not be lady-like but what the heck ......I love poetry it is my passion but I detest bullshit, trouble-makers, and shit-stirrers. Peace to all ~Sara grin grin

04-26-2009 at 09:56:20 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Yeah this should be very interesting. P cheese

04-28-2009 at 05:25:55 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

I do not know you and I do not know much about this fuss that seems to be ongoing. I can tell you that as far as someone selling my poetry without my written consent is a crime and is punishable since my work is copyrighted. I am truly sorry for the hard feeling that seem to be going on here and I do not wish to become involved. I just want to assure you that most of the fine poets I know here are smart enough to protect themselves from having their poetry used without consent. Also, most of us are here for poetry and nothing else!
I am not afraid to voice my opinion on this forum for fear that my ratings will fall, heck they do that quite regularly anyway..LOL I seem to be one of the ones that the rate rapper loves to blast. From now on, all I am concerned with is the feedback I get from the good people and excellent poets I have met on this site. Again I stress, poetry is why I am here!!
I sincerely hope this works out positively for you and all involved!

Sincerely, ~Sara

04-28-2009 at 08:42:58 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Very well spoken, lost baby. I think you have spoken for every single poet on this site who is tired of all this drama.

04-29-2009 at 11:21:46 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Shannon, you definitely have problems. Get some help and/or grow the hell up. That's all I have to say about this entire matter.

04-29-2009 at 11:40:41 AM

retort the nonsense in the forum

Been out for 2 days because of a foot injury. I was able to make the meeting at Mon on time though. Because Of the UPA agreement I am unable to give name out of any poet. Although I disagree with some poets. We must allow them some room for self expression. This is the fouding purpose to UPA. I had never out of spite lowered anyones work. If there is proof out there I have then show it. I judge a poets by my personal prefrance. Thats it. As far as stealing others poets work. I am thinking of constructing a plan where all poets can market their work and get paid for it. Yes a gift idea has come up. But if I was to actually make this into reality, There would be some things that need to happen. A written agreement between the poet and the website and the poet would have to prove that thier work is copyrighted and in thier own name. These are two major requirements for this marketing plan to go through. As far as personal attacks on myself I have not talked to certain people for well over 2 weeks. I have found that if I gather around me people that are both constructive and goal orientated. So I have cut ties with a few people here. I can't control what others say about me. For if I did I would be way too busy doing that then making this group come alive. Any one that has any contect with me know I am no saint and I am far from being sublte but I do have my dreams and goals and they envolve around you all. I just hope you allow me the trust to help you fulfill your dreams. That is truely how we are going succeed in trusting each other. I hope I have answered all of this questions and if you wish to talk to me further I will be on 4pm est in peaceful poets room or you can im me or e-mail me at plot121@yahoo.com Thank you Plot121

Last edited by Plot121 04-29-2009 at 11:49:02 AM

04-29-2009 at 11:40:59 AM
  • FoF
  • FoF
  • Posts: 72

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Stop, Stop, STOP - Go somewhere else to do this to yourselves and leave the rest of us out of it. Please.

05-01-2009 at 05:39:22 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group




05-02-2009 at 12:14:52 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Just how long is this forum gonna be allowed to be used for airing someone's differences? I have two words for you ... (private message)!!! Stop being a drama queen!! ~ Sara

05-02-2009 at 06:09:25 AM
  • studly1111
  • studly1111
  • Posts: 10

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Sara! You're the greatest, "Ms. YUCKabee!" LOL Seriously, you have pretty much summed it up and have continued to be a patient, loving and benign voice of reason-which is but one extention of your kind, elegant and gentle spirit! You are truly beautiful and radiant both inside and out! I may also hasten to add that the best (and only true) "revenge" is contentment and success! Aging is mandatory; however growth is optional! Please, everyone, lay down your "arms"! Pick your battles and conduct yourselves as artists! smile big surprise gulp grrr cool cheese

05-03-2009 at 10:13:59 AM
  • Jaddenblade
  • Jaddenblade
  • Posts: 20

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

WOW... after reading all of this, and other forums. I've decided not to take the risk. There are too many questions regarding people who I believed were one way, only to turn out the other. I have no ambition to remain active on this site. Nor do I have any ambition to allow my poems to be read here. I have toyed around with this decision in my mind for a while now seeking to reach the truth behind the darkness, to make sure this was my decision, and not affected by others. And it is.

I write my poetry for myself. To speak, to voice. I do not, and never have written or cared about its perceived worth or score. I am not on here to build friendships or to win competitions (which seems contrary to my uber competative nature) though they happen. In a world of subjective perceptions, it is sad seeing all these expressions wasted on people who just don't get it.

I will leave my poems here for one week so that my "friends" have time to read them, appreciate them, and comment on them. And quite possibly copy and use them, lmao. In truth, I don't care. Though should I catch you...hehe...then it would be time to have a little fun.

To all of you who have been provoked emotionally on this site, you have allowed yourself to be manipulated and controlled by people you don't honestly know. You have been affected and been caused to act in a way contrary to your poetic freedom, but more importantly, you have been forced to show your true colors. In a last message, learn to be the Cause, not the Effect. Be your "Expressive Self" irregardless of those around you.

I agree with apparently no-one. And think each side is fundamentally flawed in these conflicts. I do appreciate what "The Creator" has done soley referring to the creation of this site. And am honored to have won one of the competitions here. I have met many people here and as expected have truely gotten to know only one.

To that one, I have no intention of ending our friendship. Which is the reason behind the "one last week stipulation" before I pull my poems and have an inactive status, at least as far as posting new poems goes. To the rest, I have been honored beyond words and images by your much too glowing comments and your much less deserved praises. Thank you.

I cannot be changed or altered. My decision is final. Thank you everyone.

05-04-2009 at 06:11:13 PM
  • sk
  • sk
  • Posts: 64

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Jadden I am deeply deeply saddened by your decision, as you were indeed one of my favorite poets here...I cannot argue with your reasons however.....I think it is tragic that the in-fighting on this site has caused one as talented as yourself to abandon it...your poetry and warm nature will be missed and it is truly our loss...I am sad.

05-04-2009 at 07:23:56 PM

Mr. Blade...

I shall miss our deep candor Mr. Blade...We did get somewhat sharpened!!! Peace...


05-05-2009 at 03:33:57 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

I also am saddened and sorry to see these poets leave this site. Hopefully what has transpired on this site will teach us all a lesson. To all members of UPA...plot121 is in very serious condition and is returning to Oregon to be cared for by his private physicians. I will try to keep everyone updated on his condition as best I can. Please keep him in your prayers. Thank you.

uspslady aka Beverly

05-05-2009 at 09:56:25 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Thank you Beverly aka uspslady for the update concerning Plot121's condition. Our prayers are with Robert and we wish him full recovery asap.

Yes, it's a sad day to hear and see talented poets leaving. Certainly no one can change their minds, only they can. That's the whole skinny of being a poet. To be able to deflect unnecessary, unintentional remarks made by people whose balance has become out of sorts. Stand up Poets, we must unite and refuse to be removed from our comfort zones. Only strength can be derived from such goings on, once passed .. brighter days arrive. To be pushed around and not standing one's ground is relative, akin to giving up. Poetry takes and leaves no prisoners .. only a rare culture of kind, pleasant people whom freely read, share, and help one another. Someone began a thread recently, asking what is poetry ? This is Poetry my fellow poets and friends. An intimate circle of people whom come together to share better or worst concerning expressed literature. And those brave enough .. together we shall stand!


Last edited by StandingBear 05-05-2009 at 09:59:15 PM

05-05-2009 at 10:00:02 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

I choose not to be part of this site......If you choose to know why then read here at forum..., 'My work here is Done.'

This is a solution to the concerns most people here have posted.

05-05-2009 at 10:33:07 PM
  • sk
  • sk
  • Posts: 64

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

I think it goes beyond 'standing your ground' and fighting....sometimes people just don't want to deal with the b.s. and so move onto a place with less drama, and no frustrations from some ignoramous cutting people's ratings just because he/she can, or someone using this site like it's a 'myspace' meat market...this site is losing some outstanding talent, and it is a shame and an embarassment.

05-06-2009 at 09:23:27 PM

Plot121's Condition

Plot121 aka Robert is in OHSU in Oregon. He is having surgery tomorrow to amputate his foot, just how far they will have to amputate is uncertain at this point. I have heard just above his ankle to up to his knee, but as I said, I am unsure at this point. I will keep everyone informed to the best of my ability. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.

uspslady aka Beverly

05-07-2009 at 01:41:46 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Why not just post poems, comment on poems, make friends,
give constructive criticism, and enjoy the poetic culture this
wonderful (glitch infested) site offers without having to form
a "private poetry group". Are we not already a poetry group?

Can't we survive on the written word
without grouping (or is it groping?) together?

"Underneath all of me is myself" Walt Whitman.

05-07-2009 at 01:55:13 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Regarding Kaleo55's comment refering to her other forum entry; I posted an observation there, regarding pretty much what jaddenblade was saying. I stumbled on this site yesterday, and came back today to check it out. But ya'll have got so much bickering going on here, that its going to drive away other future potential members to this site. You need to get together with the sites administrator and work out these problems that apparently exist. Otherwise, as time moves on, newcomers such as I, won't want to join. That just works against the whole idea of this site.
I've been blown away by some of the remarks on here.
I haven't posted anything yet, for two reasons; One, is the way I present my poetry, and the other, is I'm not sure if I should, after seeing all this fuss.

05-07-2009 at 02:03:37 PM
  • FoF
  • FoF
  • Posts: 72

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Dear penman -

I hope you do not consider the intellectual exchanges/dialogue on some topics to be the
bickering. And the "blown away", I hope, would be a good comment on all the exchanges and poetry you have read from a good number of talented people here.

The irritant issues can never be irradicated completely, no matter where you go. For whatever reasons you joined, please stay. To post for the pleasure of sharing, to possibly compete, to discuss any topic under the heavens, just to read, maybe learn....whatever
stay. Things work out, things get better, annoyances dissipate. Stay.

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.