Original Poetry Forums

Suggestions on Poetry Group

03-26-2009 at 10:47:23 AM

Suggestions on Poetry Group

I have tried to let things die down a bit after the PA issue, but for some reason some people won't let the drama die out. So fearing that It may take until 2300 until we settle the drama I figured I should do it now. I wish to start a group that brings poets of all walk of life into a place where we all can talk challenge each other and learn from each other. This enviroment will not have vile or hate ful remarks made to any poet or person race or creed. We are all equal in here and have a voice. Please be considerate of the poets as you would like to have them be to you. Because I am only one person and I can't see all or do all, I would like to have people place suggestions here so I can get a better understanding of the needs of all poets not just my own. This group will be by invitation only. There will be some requirements that the poet must ahear too but for the most part it the invitation will be obolished within 4 months thanks for your time and I hope to hear alot of suggestions Plot121 AKA Robert...

03-26-2009 at 11:34:40 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

i think that would be a great idea
kinda hard since everyone has their own idea's
of whats right and whats wrong.

I don't know what happen, when i joined a lot of names was blown up , pa, tata, shannon
Leave your drama to your writing unless people pm you and ask hey whats this about.

but i think its sad when we all can be joined and let our talent unite us instead of divide us
but when it or if it happens i would gladly be apart of this.

If it wasn't for the friends i have made here
i wouldn't have come back
cause some can be so rude


03-26-2009 at 04:25:18 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Once you are on the site for a while you get to know the culure of the site and who is playing what role.

Best you can do is just to avoid the hubris.

I just use this site and focus on the ones I think are writing worthwhile poetry (with a dalliance in new names I come across.

03-26-2009 at 04:57:04 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

I've thought about it some more and initially didn't like the elitist quality of what you were proposing, fearing it would too hastily exclude those who were not deemed worthy.

But after perusing the site for a while and thinking about all of the new persons posting who are automatically befriended by the very people who are fomenting the constant childish foolishness, I think its a great idea.

Trolling the poetry sites of which there are quite a few and inviting by personal invitation those individuals who actually write poetry and are respectful of others would eliminate a lot of fruitless time.

How would decide to include others?
Would you ever and how would you exclude those in the barn door...so to speak?

03-26-2009 at 07:46:04 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

I must say that you have finally used yor head for something other than a hat rack...LOL.
It sounds like a wonderful plan if you could just monitor it to be a safe and friendly adventure. We need a group that is willing to inspire and motivate eachother without all the negativity.

03-30-2009 at 01:59:52 PM
  • FoF
  • FoF
  • Posts: 72

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Sounds like an interesting idea - but lightcourier has raised an important point -
the one of logistics. This could be an overwhelming project.

I suggest all interested parties take a few days to think about and then take a day or so to input ideas. Mine (to this point) are as follows (for consideration):

1 Rotating moderator - weekly
2 Institute 1 poem per poet/per week
3 Everyone critigue honestly by comment - No scoring.
4 All poetry submitted for evaluation is available to group for a week.
5 Evaluations are submitted within a deadline.

Food for thought.

Last edited by FoF 03-30-2009 at 02:03:36 PM

03-30-2009 at 03:23:06 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Sounds good to me! I hope I get an invite.. smile My question is how will you decide who to invite and who not to invite and who will have that resonsibility?

Last edited by gamegodessss 03-30-2009 at 03:25:52 PM

03-30-2009 at 03:57:05 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

This is a great idea. It really is. I agree there is the potential for exclusion, biased inclusion, etc.. but honestly.. in what social group isn't there? If administered by whomever you choose to moderate is fair.. this is a great idea.

We'd like to help you. We're currently working on a few upgrades to the site. Mainly the rating system that everyone hates so much. We're rolling out some updates to make it more fair and incorporate more user feedback from raters. After that we'd love to get rolling on this.

Please let us know if a) you would like us to build a site feature to create your own groups. b) What properties they will have. ie: can people only in the group see the comments of the group, their own chat rooms, how are poems veiwed/shared, etc...

All ideas will be considered. What would be best though, is if you folks could get together, decide exactly how you want your groups contructed, and then post an outline for us on here.

We'll do whatever we can to get it done. We SO MUCH MORE want to be working on this stuff than have to worry about who some ass has pissed off today.

Last edited by Originalpoetry 03-30-2009 at 03:59:22 PM

03-30-2009 at 06:19:04 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Hi everyone
, it all sounds good except for one thing.
why one poem?
That seems boring to me.
Most people can read 1 book in a day or two.
A poem can be read in 5 to 10 minutes.
I' am an entertainer, for an example of music.
Would you like your band-musical performance group
or comedian that you saved $ for -n-payed & went
to see play for
30 minutes or an hour?
Plus gas money, and time.
I'd want them for an hour.

Maybe 5 or less poems.

John E. WordSlinger

03-30-2009 at 10:01:30 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

great ideas, and again, kudos to the creator for taking the time to evolve this site to the users wishes...i drink to you! i will be all for these groups, and be able to segregate from the kiddies and idiots whose whole purpose is to slander and become labeled as a hard-ass (pardon my language)...no detraction from honest artists of the rap/freestyle side of things...but there are so many idiots who believe that they are the next Flo Rida, that it causes my blood pressure to go up! So again...being able to join a group of good friends to share would be fantastic.

thank you


03-31-2009 at 12:13:16 PM
  • FoF
  • FoF
  • Posts: 72

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

To Wordslinger -

I suggested 1 poem per poet for weekly evaluation by others.
If your group happens to include 15-20 writers - that is a lot of reading and digesting
for a constructive critique. If this experiment is a success - groups could possibly expand
to 25 or more.

And not every poet has unlimited time. The attempt here is not just read and have a reactionary response, but to digest and offer assistance if needed. 1-poem per poet per week, I feel, is a good starting point.

03-31-2009 at 02:27:42 PM

Suggestions on Poetry Group

Hello Again, I have let things go by without talking for a week and have had some responses that I have yet thought of and wish to hear more. I see by the number counter there have been quite a few people reading this thread that in it is great but with ony 13 people stating what they would need it leaves me to beleive that alot of people have opinions and intrest but no one is willing to say anything because of either me being on here or just scared of what others think. I for one placed my work on another site a while back. I found a great number of responses and found them to be good. We all take chances with our work being here is probibly the biggest one of all where your work is concerned. So I can understand that they may not respond here because someone else may give them grief if they speak out. Look I got a private message and some of you have directed your suggestions there. Thank you for those that did. If you have something to share about this subject please let me know the more suggestions I can work with the better this will be for everyone. The first 5 poets I will choose personally. I have critera and will show them that when I send the applications too them. If you have a real intrests on being a founding part of this group please contact me and show me your intrests. This is a labor of love pure and simple. Hardly any glory and maybe not much commission envolved. Not much you say hmmmm got you thinking. What could plot be up too. You will never know unless you belly up to the bar and get your hands dirty so lets leave it out here for another week pass on the information and lets get these numbers to respectible level here. Plot121 AKA Jaded1 AKA Robert... cool smile

03-31-2009 at 03:33:29 PM
  • FoF
  • FoF
  • Posts: 72

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Plot121 -

Sounds like you want your own private group. Commission?

My feeling is that anyone involved in participating in a "group" should have some input
into the way it will be run. If you want your own select few - so be it.

There are probably many who feel as I do and will hold off until more can get the message out and have some input. I guess there could be several groups but I urge all to take a deep breath before committing without knowing the ground rules before hand.

03-31-2009 at 04:18:43 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

I thought it was for our page, in submitting our poems.
My apologies, now I understand, smile

John E.WordSlinger

04-01-2009 at 11:34:55 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Bump! cool hmm

04-01-2009 at 01:09:43 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

I agree. I think this is a great idea. We are here to write not to slander one another. I would prefer to be on the peaceful side. I hope to learn from poets that want to spread love into this world we won't be here long so let's love each other.

04-01-2009 at 05:09:23 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

You would think a peaceful friendly group would be a simple thing. I have been on various chat sites and it is unbelievable how people talk (type) to each other. So hateful and angry.......I guess everyone needs to vent but, yikes some people are just scary!! It would be great to have chat group that just wants to discuss poetry, life, happiness, or sadness but keeping the visciousness out! smile

04-02-2009 at 06:37:55 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

It would be nice to be involved with a group of like minded poets me thinks. If invites start buzzing around maybe fly one my way?

04-02-2009 at 08:42:28 AM
  • sk
  • sk
  • Posts: 64

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

So then let me ask; In this group, who is it that would be deciding who got the invites and who gets passed by? Hopefully this will not be an elitist thing...

04-02-2009 at 10:02:58 AM
  • FoF
  • FoF
  • Posts: 72

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

sk -

I am working on a group outline where there are open invitations to a mix group.
Details to follow within a few days.
Interested parties - keep showing interest by posts.

04-02-2009 at 11:54:08 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

The point of my being here is to gain feedback, so anything that would accomplish that goal gets my vote. Having said that...and this is merely based on some of the comments made on this string...would the content of work be subject to banning? In my opinion, that would be detrimental to artistic expression and quality.

So the questions are, can people rise above their personal opinions of the content and focus on the structure? Can the structure and content be divided? Can people overcome their basic prejudices and not strike out against those of differing or opposing views? Can we create an atmosphere of mutual respect and peace? Hmmm...I do hope so. Or we, in the greater scope of humanity, suffering from our terminal condition, will create such an atmosphere nowhere at all.

Brightest blessings,

04-02-2009 at 01:18:03 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Does any here belong to a yahoo group?
So are you talking about build some thing like that???

John E. WordSlinger

04-02-2009 at 03:04:24 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Sounds like a great idea. I'm in. Let me know where to sign up.


04-03-2009 at 09:43:32 AM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

Well, my only suggestions would be:

A. No censorship on lyrical content (as Dhalusion was suggesting),
because who are we to judge someone's expression?

B. Zero tolerance towards those who break the code of conduct as far as
attacks on other poets for whatever reason.

C. Just harbor an adult, professional. friendly demeanor, and if you cant, you dont belong.

D. Encourage creative exchange between poets by generating writing topics

04-03-2009 at 02:01:47 PM

Re: Suggestions on Poetry Group

In theory - This sounds great. I can tell after reading a few lines of another's work, if I am drawn to it, not to mention, can even understand. I am a simple poet ( if I even am one ) and I certainly do not have the expertise of others. I learn from many here, expressions of depth.
As far as language is concerned, it does come in all colors. However - it is how those colors are painted. even I have only been able to use a bad word in order to get a point across, so I would hate to have this restriction. We all are aware of how it is put in context. One thing to write **** the system, quite another to write **** an individual - by name, in a piece of work, not poetic - just to be plain mean.
I would like to think that poets have reasonable tastes. Some, though are simply venting rudely
with no poetic talent. Yes - we all have our unique style - open eyes. Not have to close them, cringing, because of vile and hateful so called poems directed at others. I will be gone for 2 weeks, so I will look forward to the outcome. One more thing - grouping would make it easier to weed out. We must vote if ones work is or is not following polices. But then, who am I to judge. I am tied up in a quandary.

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.