Forgiving Secret


Forgiving Secret

I would pardon you if you asked. Brush my lips against your earlobe.
It wouldn’t be a task.

Even though you tore me and, probably will again. Everyone makes mistakes and secretly I miss you my lover “slash” friend.

The past is the past the future is now. Wasn’t sure I wanted you yesterday. Forgetting you today my brain won’t allow.

Thinking of you… knowing damn well I shouldn’t! A touch so unforgettable... I promised myself I wouldn’t.

Those ebony eyes, wild dark hair, just wish I could sit across from you and stare.

Sweet juicy wine kisses still lingering on my lips. Those rough skillful hands make me quiver my hips.

Still I keep away from you. At least four feet back it’s true. Why continue to come by? Can’t you let me get over you guy. I remember every time you come near. These are words I can never let you hear.

Deliciousness smothers my tongue, as your memory continues to do me no wrong.

Ridding me of you is not working out. Why are we arguing? I didn’t mean to scream and shout:(

“I can’t be in a relationship!” I keep hearing you say, as the movie real brings me back to that day.

I ‘m ready to listen and understand, when I’m alone I forget our tiff and pretend to squeeze your hand.

Grasping each other in ecstasy, as orgasmic pressure inflates our heads, we press and roll all over my bed. Pillows thrown around covering the floor…. blankets, and sheets wet… twisted, and we keep going for more.

Still I keep away from you. At least four feet back it’s true. Why continue to come by? Can’t you let me get over you guy? I remember every time you come near. These are words I can never let you hear.

Alas… I won’t ever tell of these thoughts I am keeping. Never will I show a glimpse of me weeping.

A whisper that only I can hear… a breath winding around you dear…

A secret stays a secret only when you keep it!

So I wad it up, chew it, and swallow everything whole, my ribs will keep these images captive. Never ever will I let you know.......

Still I keep away from you. At least four feet back it’s true. Why continue to come by? Can’t you let me get over you guy? I remember every time you come near. These are words I can never let you hear.

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gabbzz commented on Forgiving Secret


this must have been something that really TOUCHED you..:) ~!*GABBzz*!~

christliked commented on Forgiving Secret


You reached insde my sadness because I miss someone so much you made me remember the smell of her hair you made desire her touch

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Bwyn’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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Moving On 3
Zigzag Man 4
Magic Beer Fridge 4
What you said you needed... 5
No Patience 1
Stormy Weather 2
Ancient Crush 2
Forgiving Secret 2
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