Forever Mine.


  • Love
  • ,
  • Emotional

    Forever Mine.

    From the very beganning I knew that you were mine.
    man you looked fine. Wnen you looked deep into  my
    eyes, My heart would give a leap, because I knew you
    were mine.

    Together now thirty three years and counting, when in
    your arms I lie and here your heart beating, I am proud
    to say you are still mine.

    You are my only Love and forever will be. You are my rock
    you make me smile, My heart swells with pride when i see
    you with our children, the love that you have bestowed on

    so you see I cought you, Now you are truly mine.
    My sweet husband Daniel Wayne Brown sr.

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    HiddenAngel commented on Forever Mine.


    aw this is so sweet one day i will b able to say that to daniel jr...when we are married 30 yrs down the line it will b a blessing...we will follow in you and Daniel sr. foot steps of love ..this is so touching and beautiful love it

    loveswar09 commented on Forever Mine.


    AW!!! So sweet!!! This is so cute! I love it when two people are together for a long time like you guys. =) Hope you have many more years together! *hugs*

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    duestlee57’s Poems (2)

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    Forever Mine. 2
    a note from ga ma 2