a note from ga ma


a note from ga ma

My precious little one,
gamma misses you so much.
I miss your little arms around my neck,
whisperingin my ear.
gamma i love you.

You will always be in my heart,
no one will ever e able to take that away.
I will always be here if you ever need me.
i will never give up on you.

Someday you will come back to me,
I hope you got a good home,
Someone who will put you first, and
not go around looking for a prince.

You could have stayed with me,
but the little elf wouldn't let you.
Little elf just wanted to be happy,
couldn't see happiness if it smacked her in the face.

Just seeing you smile would make my day,
the way your eyes would light up when daddy walked through the door.
Papa and you singing "jesus loves me".
My precious little rose,
please come back as soon as you can.

Arms will be open wide.
We love and miss you abbie.

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HiddenAngel commented on a note from ga ma


lovely yu have a good poetict way of choosing yur words and it will only get better from here...this is so precious

loveswar09 commented on a note from ga ma


*cries softly* So sweet and beautiful! It's terrible what THAT WOMAN did! Hmph.....Sorry don't even know her but she still ticks me off. =) I hope Abbie returns to you guys. *hugs*



P.S. Good work on this poem! =) Hope you keep writing.

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

duestlee57’s Poems (2)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Forever Mine. 2
a note from ga ma 2