Expectation Generate Obsession


  • Philosophy

    Expectation Generate Obsession

    It started when I was a young man, had it all, All Star in football, baseball, basketball, etc. Popularity was nothing new it was well expected. Anyone who has had this kind of attention knows the feeling & sense of belonging. This continued all through high school and in college. When in college on a scholarship and everyone thanking God that a living Savior had given their college respect, therefore; giving their communities hope. Imagine how one person can influence so many, it’s a unique rush. I even sold aluminum siding to brick homes and made salesperson of the month every month even though I never sold anything outside the community. The community would do everything in their power as to keep disappointment from me. I was accustomed to winning, never knowing defeat. My pride would swell so, that I would actually (when alone and no one around) try to walk on water, and I could swear that I sometimes took 1 or 2 steps. Amazing how you figure that a special Aura follows you through life, even when I left for the military, I was treated special because I did everything right, nothing ever came out wrong. It’s like I was a part of everyone and everything around me, but I was better than everyone on their best day and out-shined everyone on my worst day. People would stare in Awe at the fact that they didn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t, know how to begin to explain me. Like a force of nature that takes a little bit of everything that is ordinary and makes it extraordinary, even the best athletes couldn’t understand that I was better than them even on my bad days. It was like mythical Gods and I are one in the same. Legends know me and even they can’t explain me. I can’t remember the last time now or in the past of not being a success. Even when I moved into the so-called “real world” I am a success. But I’ve learned that this gift is beyond me, and must be shared, however, how do you let something this good go. I can’t imagine myself without it. I fear I would become ordinary and wouldn’t be appreciated for all I have accomplished. Can you imagine taking that one perfect sensation or experience that I’m sure everyone has had at least once in their lifetime, and give it away? Imagine your first intercepted touchdown ran for over 100 yards to score the wining points for your team at homecoming, or that first promotion when you beat out all the men applying for the same position, and then becoming their boss. That first accomplishment of joining the millionaires club at work. Think about this for a moment, and then ask yourself if you could ever give that up without another thought. These are everyday experiences for me and each accomplishment being one better than the former. Take the ten richest people in the world and know that I rub shoulders with each of them daily and I challenge them daily to be better than me. They try to beat me daily without accomplishing this task. Presidents and Rulers of Countries rely on me daily to help them accomplish the worst situation that they can’t handle. I am so popular that I am unknown until I am needed again. My advice gives them a sense of accomplishment that no one can deny and gives them the so-called “genius” syndrome. That is why I am better than anyone else, is because I understand my role in my circle of life here on earth. And even though I am better than anyone else, some of you who will read this will be dumb-founded, others will swear that they have met me (even though they might not recall when or where), and others will be left in the dark and wont care, but I tell you that if you did get to know me you would be thankful. Actors, musicians, rich people are my best friends and we hang out together daily. So by chance if you are fortunate to meet me one day (I’m sure you will) this will all make sense, I can’t tell you who I am because then I would be the most sought after being in history and that would cause total chaos. Just know that one day when you least expect it, we will meet and I will change your life forever. I will make you better than you have ever been. Take care and be watchful, you’ll never know when ill turn up on you.
    Luke Martinez

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    Chaos128 commented on Expectation Generate Obsession


    There is a very fine line between self-confidence and egotism, Cool, but it's for each individual to determine for himself where that line lies. Your work makes very compelling reading.

    ELRey commented on Expectation Generate Obsession


    Reminds me of Rolling Stones "Sympathy for the Devil". You've captured EGO for sure.

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

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