


ripples on the surface

scatter like a swarm,

shimmer like the fireworks

as they're taking form


wobbly bulge of water

summoning the waves,

rises in the center

and reveals a face.


from the lake emerges

gorgeous merwoman

shining, chin to shoulders,

bathing in the sun.


lips and cheeks in blossom

full of beaut and glee

radiate with freedom

and call out to me

Poem Comments


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windsongs commented on emerge


still waitin -for this beauty! lol

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

Sleeves’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
memories 0
album 0
turquoise 1
delusion 0
cold 1
wife 0
imprinted 0
sepia 2
emerge 1
gravity 0
Two haikus 0
Strips 7
The lone wheat 3
Life that never was 3
Tide 4
I awake 5
Lúthien 5
Gone with the whales 2
Picture 3
Perfect looks 2
You, here 3
Scarred 5
Fade 1