Driving Impaired


Driving Impaired

Picture this, a beautiful night time sky,
but the downside is you're drunk and high.
You're on a road not to far from home.
A road you've always known.
So you start your car.
Sadly you won't get to far.
That's your 1st mistake,
but really that's the only one you have to make.
Now for mistake number 2.
It's what everyone fails to do.
You didn't put your seat belt on.
This will be remember long after you're gone.
So you start driving down your lane.
Then it starts to heavily rain.
The road is getting more slippery.
As it's getting harder for you to see.
You start to feel your heart beat.
As you press on the accelerator with your feet.
You think you see a car heading towards you.
So you freak out and don't know what to do.
So you spin out of control.
Your car starts to roll...
and you just increased the local death toll.
You been reduced to a statistic.
I don't know how to make this more realistic.
If you drink and drive,
it's highly possible you won't make it out your car alive.
So please hear me out.
Listen and don't doubt.
Remember to always reconsider.
Look out for one another.
Because we all in this life together.

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jferclark commented on Driving Impaired


Makes you think... I lost my brother to drunk driving, so I can relate. Good writing... keep it up.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

chessmasterme1’s Poems (1)

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Driving Impaired 1