Dramatic Change


Dramatic Change

In a panic I remain.
Have you ever had to say something you did not want to say?
Well the day was the day I had to say goodbye.
I still cry even though I tried to prepare from the start.
Why didn't I move fast enough even though you always held my heart.
I was ready to be one with you.
Instead we grew apart and became two.
No longer was it we, it was just me,then you.
I know that you love me.
If love was a test I would do nothing but study.
I thought I knew what our love was about and nothing could break it.
Still in my heart I know we could make it.
Everything we said was I mistaken?
I know how I feel please dont say you were faken.
I'm no longer steady my hands still shaken.
If I was to say that I did not love you I would only be faken.
So here is my LOVE promise to you 10 fold.
                You are my lucky charm, my only pot of gold.

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Nadia1986 commented on Dramatic Change


Love gone wrong so sad but well put nice work and good luck with love.



Thank you good luck to you to



Thank you good luck to you to

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

jbbuzn’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Dramatic Change 1
Remember Me 0
What Happened? 0
Pains and Pleasures 0
For Me 0
Fight the Current the Current Is Now 1
You I wont let go 4
Everytime You Write On Me 2