

  • Health


    What about cigarettes?
    They're bad for you!
    Open your ears
    and listen to me.

    I've been smoking
    for ten years now,
    and now my lungs
    are in jeopardy!

    Every morning
    when I wake up...
    I royally
    cough my head off!

    I choke and gage
    until it comes up...
    that brown...nasty
    looking stuff!

    I cannot run
    I can't play ball,
    my lungs just
    won't allow it!

    What used to be cool
    now hurts my health....
    and it's all from
    this nasty habit!

    I used to steal smokes
    from Dear Ol' Dad,
    and neither he
    can run nor play!

    So what was so cool?
    Heck, I don't know...
    I guess it just
    passed time away!

    Someday I'll quit...
    I know, I know,
    I know! I've said
    it all before!

    But each time I
    go buy something...
    they're right there
    in the store!

    If I gave up the smokes
    I'd give up the cough...
    I am very
    sure of that!

    I now have bronchitis,
    so I hope I have time...
    Before emphazema

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    kaddeesh commented on Cigarettes


    Interesting rhyme pattern! I hope you quit. I did over twenty years ago.



    After 28 years of smoking, I had quit for 4 years...then I started back up again 2.5 years ago...ugh!! It's so much harder this time, I am struggling with it! What an evil evil addiction!

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    litilraven’s Poems (15)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    To my son Joseph 0
    My aging Father 0
    Awakening 0
    Heritage 2
    The Lighthouse 3
    9/11 3
    Christmas Sonnet 2
    Halloween 2
    Guilt 2
    What Do Ya Do? 1
    Just Me And The Sea 3
    Cigarettes 1
    Pray to God 3
    Mother Nature 7
    The Willow 1