Child Live


Child Live

In our quest to play church

We have lost our everlasting minds

Beyond the Hallelujahs & praise be to the most high

checking out sista so & so

trying to squeeze by

to the front row to be seen

I mean everyone knows

That God favors the righteous

& all saints know that the righteous

pay their tithes with


Who cares that we sit in the hallelujah corner

gossiping, back biting, & fornicating--- with our eye's

because the Lord loves me & forgives me of my sins

I am the queen of repentance

Now it is blasphemy to acknowledge, witness or accept

anything even remotely coming from

the sinners square.

So I'll embrace Mother Maybe Baby

cause she's got all the right answers

She sits you down and says-----


Concentrate on being your best self

living your best life yet

Trust that the God in you

will guide you through


So I step in the sanctuary

throwing caution to the wind

and praise & worship & praise & worship

like never before

I've done some things

& been some places and

The Lord knows my heart

Transcending the destiny you've prescribe for me

I dance

Now you so busy judging me that you miss the blessing in my worship.

You see that is where God resides

free from hurt, harm & danger

I am no stranger to both sides of the tracks

So I forgive you

as you judge me

and invite you to my most sacred place

I pass on some sound words of wisdom


Stop existing in that box of righteous indignation

and give yourself permission to

run like the wind

Allow the usher board, deaconess board, children's choir to do without

I'd rather just see you smile from you heart

Feel this unspeakable joy

from the crown of your head

to the soles of your feet and



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A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Arizona’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
He Is 1
Breath 2
Fire 2
Child Live 0
Victim 0
Wedding Day Blue's 0